Greetings Saints and Friends,

    “Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Mrs. Gladys!” “As you can see, Pastor Harold accepted our invitation to join us again for Sunday School. We have his curiosity up. Usually, when he is here, he is sharing some truth from the Bible with us. Today, we have some truth from the Bible to share with him, don’t we?” “Yes!” “Pastor Harold, some of the children spoke with me after Sunday class last time you were here. They told me how your teaching of the Advent season, using the Advent wreath and candles, reminded them of other truth found in the Bible. The Advent candles in particular gave them an idea of a presentation they would like to share with you today.” “I am honored. No one has been able to claim they have mastered every part of God’s Word, including me. So I’m eager to hear what you have learned.” “Robby, why don’t you take it from here.” “Yes, Mrs. Gladys. Pastor Harold, as you probably have noticed, there is a little extra light in our classroom this morning.” “Yes, I noticed.” “Instead of putting our Advent candles away until next Christmas, we brought all of our Advent candles to remind us of why the coming of Jesus is so important. We remember you said the word ‘Advent’ means, ‘coming or arrival.’ So we are celebrating the arrival of Jesus into this world when He was sent from heaven by God the Father. We have put new batteries in all of our candles to make sure they shine brightly. Johnny, tell Pastor Harold one of the reasons we illuminated all the candles this morning.”

    “Pastor Harold, one of the reasons Jesus came from heaven was to fulfill God’s promise that He made seven hundred years before Jesus was born. God said, ‘The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. Those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.’” Isaiah 9:2 “Yes, Johnny. God always keeps His word, doesn’t He?” “Yes, He does, Pastor Harold. That’s why Jesus said, ‘I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’” John 8:12 “Oh my! Where did all the lights go, kids!”

    “Pastor Harold, we turned off all of our lights. This is how the world would be without Jesus – spiritually dark. But Jesus said, ‘I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.’”John 12:46

    “Oh, that’s much better. I can see you all again with your lights turned back on.” “Pastor Harold, you can see us because the light of the Advent candles reflects off of us. The Bible says, whoever receives Jesus as their Savior, reflects His light to all those around them.” “Kids, the lights went out again!” “Yes, Pastor Harold. This is to demonstrate that everyone begins in this world by walking in darkness. But Jesus calls us out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 “Jesus, the Light of the world, said, ‘While you have the light, believe in the light.’ John 12:36 When someone trust in Jesus as their Savior, they can begin to reflect His light. The most important way we reflect His light is by living for Him. Jesus said, ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.’ Matthew 5:16 The way many people are going to see our Father in heaven is by His light in our lives. Jesus said, ‘You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.’ Matthew 5:14 The little kids in their Sunday School class sing a song called, This Little Light of Mine. It simply goes, ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!’ In our class, we sing the stanza that says we will not let anything put out our light! It goes, ‘Never gonna let this world nor Satan touch my light for Jesus! No! I’m gonna let it shine! Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine!’” “Robby, there is so much darkness in the schools today. How do you kids best shine the light?” “The same way you and other adult Christians do, Pastor Harold. We stick together, pray together, and remember Whose light we’re reflecting. Every opportunity God gives us, we invite people to come out of the darkness, into the light of Jesus by trusting in Him. When anyone wants to come into the marvelous light of the Lord, they can pray: ‘Thank You, Jesus, for coming into this dark world. Thank You for paying for my sins when You died for them and rose again. Help me to reflect Your light into the world around me every day. Amen.’”