Greetings Saints and Friends,
​“Pastor Harold, I really do appreciate you teaching my adult Sunday School class while I am not able to be there.” “You’re welcome, Ervin. I’m sure it will work out better this way, rather than trying to get all of your class on the church bus and down here to Flanagan’s Rehab Center each Sunday. Of course, some of them are already here, aren’t they?” “Yes, they are. But not for the same reason I am.” “Tell me again, Ervin. How did you end up here?” “Well, Pastor. I was explaining to my grandson how riding a skateboard was just a matter of balance. That’s when I lost mine. The doctor jokingly said it must not have been serious enough for my guardian angel to show up. Pastor, do you know what you are going to teach the class?” “Interesting, your doctor should mention a guardian angel. I thought I would share with the class what the Bible has to say about angels.” “Oh, I know they will welcome the truth of God’s Word about angels. Not too long ago, the topic was raised in class because of a book that was published by someone who said they used to be an angel.” “Yes, I heard about that book. While false teaching like that book is not new, it is increasing. And that shows us again, how the Bible is reliable. The Bible tells us, prior to the Lord’s return, false teaching will increase. 1 Timothy 4:4 I have been enjoying my renewed study of God’s Word about angels. And I’m sure the class will enjoy searching the Scriptures with me. Some of the questions I am usually asked in a study like this include: Have angels always been around? Are they eternal like God? We know they have not always been around because Jesus created them. The Bible says, ‘For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible,’ Colossians 1:16 And that certainly includes the angels.” “What other questions do you normally hear when teaching about angels, Pastor?” “It’s not uncommon to be asked, ‘Does everybody have a guardian angel? Should we pray to angels? Should we be afraid of bad angels? What do angels do in heaven? How many angels are there? Do angels ever appear as people? And many others, too. ​
​God wants us to know about the angels He created; that is why He has put so much information about them in His Word, the Bible. Not just for our curiosity, but for our equipping. We need to know the truth about angels. Both the good and the bad angels. Angels were created good, just as Adam and Eve were created good. The angels were given a free will to make decisions for themselves. A time came when Lucifer, now called Satan, decided to rebel against God. Some of the other angels decided to join him. That’s why they were booted out of heaven and have been in rebellion against God ever since. Not only against God, but they are no friends of ours, either. Peter says Satan walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8 But he is not always like that. His primary tool is deception. The Bible says, ‘Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.’ 2 Corinthians 11:14 Satan is a deceiver. Jesus calls him a liar and the father of it. John 8:44 That’s why we need to be prepared with the truth of God’s Word.” “Oh, Pastor Harold, I know the class is going to enjoy what the Bible has to say. And best of all, these are people who will apply the truth to their lives as it applies to them. And who knows, it may be that an angel will join you for the class.” “It would be so much greater, Ervin, if the Lord guides someone to the class who needs to trust in Him. That the person would hear that an angel could never do anything to get them to heaven. But Jesus has already done it all. Jesus, Who created each of the angels, has also paid for each person’s sins, when He died on the cross and rose again. That whoever places their faith in Him has everlasting life in heaven, where Jesus has prepared a place for them. Though angels can do some marvelous things here, those things will never compare to what we’ll do in heaven when we arrive home there. When Thomas asked Jesus, ‘How can we know the way?’, Jesus replied, ‘I am the way.’ John 14:5-6 That’s why anyone can pray: ‘Thank You, Jesus, for loving me. Thank You for paying for my sins when You died for them and rose again. I believe angels are at work around me today, but it’s You I long to see. Amen.’”