Merry Christmas Beloved Saints and Friends,   

“Mrs. Gladys, is Pastor Harold going to be here this morning to tell us more about Advent?”  “Yes, he is, Michael.  Look!  Here he is.”  “Good morning,
class!”  “Good morning, Pastor Harold!”  “I see someone has set up the Advent wreath and put the candles in place.”  “Yes, Pastor Harold. The kids wanted
to be all prepared for your ‘advent’.”  “Oh, I like that, class. You remember that the word Advent means ‘coming or arrival’.  And whose Advent are we
celebrating?” “JESUS!”  “That’s right!”  “Pastor Harold, we remember what the parts of the Advent wreath mean, too.”  “Well, let’s go around the class
and see who would like to say what part they remember.  Who would like to go first?  Oh my, Mrs. Gladys!  You must have the best class there is.  I have
not seen so many hands raised since the last Gospel revival meeting!  Everybody is ready and eager to share something.  Let’s start in front.  Billy, what
part of the Advent wreath would you like to tell us about?”  “The wreath is round and unbroken, which reminds us that God is eternal.”  “Yes.  Ana?”  “The
wreath is made of evergreens to remind us that in His first advent, Jesus came to offer people everlasting life.”  “Yes. Danny?”  “The pine-cones remind
us that God told Satan in Genesis chapter 3, that the ‘Seed of the woman’ would defeat him.”  “How do the pine-cones remind us of that, Danny?”  “Because
the female pine-cones have the seed of life.  And the ‘Seed of the woman’ means Jesus would be born of a virgin.”  “That’s right. That is what God promised
in Isaiah 7:14, ‘The Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel – which means,
“God with us.”’  How about the candles, class?  Yes, Ronnie?”   “The first candle reminds us of the confident ‘Hope’ that God gives us to keep all of His
promises.”  “Correct!  Who can recall the verse that goes with Hope?”  “I do!” “Me, too!”  “Okay, boys.  Say it together.”  “Hebrews 10:23, ‘Let


us hold fast the confession of our ‘hope’ without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.’”  “Very good!  Class, can we trust God to keep all of His
promises?”  “YES!” 

“Pastor Harold!  I know the next one!”  “What is the next one, Ginny?”  “The next candle reminds us of God’s great ‘Love’ for us.”  “And how do we know
that God loves us, class?”  “John 3:16, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life.’”  “Excellent!  Who remembers the third candle?”  “Yes, Virginia.”  “The third candle reminds us of the ‘Joy’ that we have from
Jesus.  I remember the verse, too!”  “Well, please, tell us.”  “John 15:11, Jesus said, ‘My joy I give to you that your joy may be full.’”  “Wonderful,
boys and girls!  This week of Advent, we are remembering the ‘Peace’ that Jesus brings to us, also.  The Bible says that one of the titles for Jesus is
‘Prince of Peace.’” Isaiah 9:6  “Why is He called the Prince of Peace, Pastor Harold?”  “Because Jesus is the only One who can bring true and lasting peace
to every person.”  “Pastor Harold, how can every person have peace when there are so many wars and bad things that happen?”  “That is the perfect question,
Cynthia.  When Jesus returns, there will be peace on earth.  But in His first Advent, Jesus came to offer a peace that this world can not offer anyone. 
Jesus said, ‘My’ peace I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’ John 14:27  Jesus offers us the peace that our soul desires
to have with God.  It is a personal peace that passes understanding.  Someone has well said, ‘My soul was restless, until it found its rest in You, God.’ 
When you have peace with God, you may still have conflicts in this world, but you see them and handle them with a godly, eternal perspective.  Having peace
with God is the key to heaven’s gate.”  “Pastor Harold, can anyone have the peace that Jesus offers?”  “Yes, Kimberly!  Whoever receives Jesus, receives
all the


Advent promises of ‘hope, love, joy, and peace’ that He offers to all people.  Jesus says to all who trust in Him, ‘I go to prepare a place for you.’ 
Any person can tell Him, ‘Thank You, Jesus, for loving me and paying for all the wrong things I have said and done when You died in my place on the cross.
Forgive me, and help me to live for You, Amen.’  Let’s put the candle of ‘Peace’ in its place.”  “Yea!”