Greetings Saints and Friends,
​“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Mrs. Gladys!” “As you can see, Pastor Harold is here to help us continue celebrating Advent.” “Good morning, boys and girls!” “Good morning, Pastor Harold!” “Last week, we began our Advent Services leading up to Christmas Day, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We are using the Advent wreath to help us remember some things about Jesus. Who can tell me what some of those symbols are?” “I can, Pastor.” “Okay, Nancy. Tell us one.” “The wreath is round. It has no beginning or ending. Which reminds us that Jesus is eternal.” John 1:1 “That’s right. Adam?” “The evergreens remind us that Jesus offers everlasting life to anyone who trusts in Him.” John 3:16 “Correct. Annie?” “The pine cones remind us that Jesus was born of the Seed of the woman, because God promised He would be.” Genesis 3:15 “Excellent. Joey?” “The red berries remind us that when Jesus died He shed His blood to pay for our sins.” 1 Peter 1:19 “Very good, class. Who remembers what last week’s blue Advent candle represented?” “I do, Pastor Harold!” “What was it, Jenny?” “It was the candle of Hope, which reminds us of the sure promises and the confident ‘hope’ that we have in Christ.” “You are correct. This week, we are celebrating God’s great Advent ‘Love’ that Jesus brought to us from the Father.” “Pastor Harold! I know a verse that tells us that God loves us.” “What verse it that, Betty?” “John 3:16, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’!” “Very good! Because God has demonstrated His love toward us, He expects us to share His love with others.” “Pastor Harold, Mrs. Gladys taught us a verse about loving others!” “Which verse it that, Michael?” “Say it with me, Billy. John 13:35, ‘By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.’” “Excellent, boys! God tells us to love other people, especially our Christian brothers and sisters, just as they are – rather than who we wish they would be. God does not play favorites.
Each of the Apostles that He chose had a different personality and likes and dislikes. God generously loves all people, and He says you and I should, too.”
“Pastor Harold!” “Yes, Donna.” “Do you know the song, ‘Jesus loves the little children’?” “I do. Let’s sing it, class. ‘Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world! Red, brown, yellow, black, and white. Each one precious in His sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!’ Yes, He does! Jesus tells us to love others even if they are different than us. It does not matter if they have different interests, poor or rich, all ages, races, and cultures.”
“Pastor Harold!” “Yes, Betty.” “If Christians from all over the world are going to be in heaven, do you think we will all speak the same language in heaven?” “Betty, it is my personal belief that God is going to give each of us the same language. And it is going to be one that no one on earth has ever spoken before. That way, no one can be proud that God chose their language. Long ago, at the Tower of Babel, God confused the one language that everyone spoke because man wanted to make a name for himself. Genesis 11 But in heaven, everyone will be united in praising and loving God. We see in Revelation 5, people are gathered before the throne of Jesus. They are described as being from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. They are praising Jesus! ‘You are worthy…for You have redeemed us to God.’ Revelation 5:9 Because of His great-great love, Jesus died for our sins and rose again. ‘Anyone’ in the whole world can trust in Jesus and be part of that group in heaven – whoever will tell Jesus: ‘Thank You, Jesus, for loving me. Thank You for paying for my sins when You died for me and rose again. Now help me to love others, even as You love me. Amen.’
​Boys and girls, this week we are celebrating the Advent Love of God through Jesus! The red candle represents His love for us. Sandra, would you read the verse, please?” “1 John 4:11, ‘Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.’” “Now, let’s light the red candle of Love!” “Yeaa!”