Greetings Heaven-bound Saints and Friends,
“Honey, I didn’t know that Pastor was a meteorologist while he went to seminary.” “Yes. He was on the nightly news every evening in his town, giving the forecast for the next few days. I remember at a Sunday evening service he was telling us how being a pastor was sometimes like being a weather forecaster.” “What did he say?” “He said, ‘If you notice, weathermen are more adamant about the threats and dangers of certain weather conditions, compared to pleasant weather. If the weather will be nice for the next day, he may say, “Tomorrow, will be a good day to enjoy.” But if the weather is threatening, he will mention specifics like: how many people it will impact, how many inches or feet it will be, how powerful, what the speed will be, what to do in preparation, and how to avoid the danger. The weathermen are, in a sense, forecasters of things to come.’ But then he reminded us of the witty saying, ‘Weathermen are ninety percent right, ten percent of the time.’ While it can seem like that sometimes, he reminded us that God is one hundred percent right, one hundred percent of the time! He said that, as a weatherman, he had special man-made instruments to gauge what the weather would do – according to man’s understanding of it. But as a pastor he has God’s Truth as his positively sure reference of the past, present, and future. He told us of the weatherman who was not sure of his own forecast. Therefore he did not warn the people in his city of the possible dangerous weather approaching. By the time people recognized what was happening, it was too late to do anything – but suffer through it. Pastor said, through the Bible, God has given the certain and true forecast of the future for everyone. And as a pastor, he has the responsibility to warn people of the approaching danger, and where to find the only safety. He reminded us of how Jesus, more than any other person in the Bible, warned of the dangerous conditions to come. Certainly, God has told us of the beautiful climate of heaven. He said in heaven there will be no more death, tears, heartache, nor pain. Revelation 21:4 And we’re told of our glorious eternal bodies that we will enjoy in heaven forever and ever. 1 Corinthians 15:52
But a number of people seem to avoid the warnings they are given by weather forecasters, city officials, and their own common sense. They know that they should take action when it is obvious that dangerous weather is on its way. They are told what to do, but they say, ‘I’ll take my chances.’ Pastor said no one should take their chances when it comes to eternity. When the weatherman says, ‘The volcano is spewing burning lava into the air and everywhere, as it violently erupts today’, you don’t want to grab your umbrella and say, ‘I’ll take my chances.’
Pastor reminded us that Jesus Himself spoke more about hell than anyone else in the Bible. Hell is described as the blackest darkness, the punishment of eternal fire, the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, the place of torment. Pastor asked us that night, ‘Why would Jesus spend so much time warning people about hell? Because of His love for each person. He wants every person to avoid hell and the consequences of not taking action.’ Jesus has declared the only evacuation route when He said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ John 14:6 While Jesus has told us how much the Father loves each person and desires that each one have eternal life and be in heaven with Him, He leaves that choice up to each person. Jesus said, ‘God so loved the world – that means each person – that He gave His only begotten Son, that ‘whoever’ believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life – in heaven.’ John 3:16 God has announced many of the blessings to be enjoyed in this life and in heaven by all who trust in Jesus as their Savior.
God has also warned of the consequences to be endured by those who say they will take their chances. Jesus promised, ‘Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:15 Pastor concluded by saying God hears every person who says to Him: ‘Thank You, God, for loving me. Thank You, Jesus, for paying for my sins when You died in my place and rose again. Help me to live each day for You, enjoying the blessings You have for me, as I look forward to my eternal home in heaven. Amen.’”
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