Greetings Saints and Friends,
“Welcome home, dear.” “Oh, it feels good to be home after such a busy day at work. Do we have new neighbors moving in across the street?” “Yes. They started moving in today. The wife, Elizabeth, and I were getting acquainted when she took a break from unpacking boxes. She told me that this is not the first move she and the kids have made because of her husband’s work.” “Oh, you and I both know what that is like, don’t we?” “We sure do. My father was always traveling from one city and state to another trying to find just the ‘right’ job. And your father always had to move to where the big company needed a good man to straighten out a failing part of the business.” “And our dear son, David, and his wife and kids, too. Moving where the military sends him, even going overseas at times away from us.” “I’m so glad that one day we will all be together, never more to be separated by time or distance.” “Yes. And just think, we will not need to box things up before we go, nor unpack when we arrive!” “Tell me, dear, what do you think heaven is going to be like?” “To say the least, it is going to be spectacular! Jesus Himself is the planner and designer of it all, even as He was for the current heaven and earth. The Bible says, ‘For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible.’ Colossians 1:16 He created all of the beautiful flowers, majestic mountains, rolling rivers, and deep blue sea, with all of the animal life in it and on the land. All we can do is try to imagine what an eternal heaven that He is creating for us now will be like.” “One of my favorite promises in the Bible is when Jesus said, ‘I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again to take you there.’ John 14:2 It reminds me of our friend Henry who builds homes, then personally escorts people through them to show them all the highlights. But even Henry’s well-built homes are subject to age and repairs. In comparison, the places Jesus has prepared for us are everlasting, and beyond what our imaginations can even dream about.” “That’s for sure. Nonetheless, I do enjoy pondering what they may be like.”
“One of the things I look forward to doing in heaven is talking with the angels. No two are alike because God created each of them with unique personalities. I want to hear of the many exploits and activities they have done on our behalf. For each of us, they are called ministering spirits.” Hebrews 1:14
“I must confess, as I have gotten a little older, I am looking forward to enjoying a body that will wondrously do activities that I have always wanted to do, but was too timid to try. Just think, even though Jesus had a body of flesh and bones that the disciples touched and felt, He still passed through the stone that covered His grave. He walked through locked doors and appeared and disappeared at will.” Luke 24:39 “Oh yes, dear. With my new body, I am going to enjoy singing in worship to God like I could never do here!” “Those things and more that Jesus will do for us can be hard to imagine, but not difficult to believe. His Word says, ‘In the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed.’ 1 Corinthians 15:52 I think to help us understand what heaven will be like, Jesus even told us what will not be there. ‘No more tears, sickness, heartaches, sorrow, or pain of any kind. No more death, tragedy, or crime. No cross words, misunderstandings, or angry people. There will be no wars or rumors of wars.’ Revelation 21:4 Try to imagine our lives being absent of those things right now. Then imagine if earth could be absent of earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, flash floods, and famine. Then picture life being one hundred million times better than that forever! We have just scratched the surface of what God has prepared for those who love Him and have accepted His invitation to be there for evermore, and calling it ‘Home’.” “You are so right, dear. And He has given His invitation to everyone. As Jesus said, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that ‘whoever’ believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.’” John 3:16 “Yes. Anyone can tell Him from their heart: ‘Jesus, thank You for paying for my sins when You died in my place and rose again. Help me to live for You until it’s time to go to my forever home and be with You. Amen’”
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