“Encouraging the Saints 237: Christmas in October” by Chaplain Michael Martin

Greetings Saints and Friends, ​“Wow Johnathan, did you carve those pumpkins?” “Yes, I did. Do you like them?” “I think you did a great job. But why did you choose the month of October to carve the manger scene with Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the animals? I know. Don’t tell me -- because we only [...]

By |2024-10-27T15:09:54+00:00October 27th, 2024|Faith and Inspiration, Holiday|0 Comments

“Encouraging the Saints 234: 7 Years” by Chaplain Michael Martin

Greetings Saints and Friends, ​“Hey, Fred. Did you hear how Annabel made out in court?” “Yes. I went with her to the courthouse. The judge gave her seven years.” “Seven years! Are you sure that’s correct?” “Absolutely. That is the sentence the judge gave her. He said, ‘This town will not be overrun will Jay-walkers [...]

By |2024-10-05T20:57:05+00:00October 5th, 2024|Faith and Inspiration|0 Comments

“Encouraging the Saints 233: Memories Linger On” by Chaplain Michael Martin

Greetings Saints and Friends, ​“Dolly, do you remember when the old Sears, Roebuck catalog would arrive?” “Oh, I certainly do. The dolls were all I wanted to see. But I can remember my father actually ordering a plow from Sears. And my older brother always yearned for one of those pocket knives. Oh, what memories [...]

By |2024-09-29T17:22:43+00:00September 29th, 2024|Faith and Inspiration|0 Comments

“Encouraging the Saints 231: Bed-bound to Heaven-bound” by Chaplain Michael Martin

Greetings Saints and Friends, ​“Hello!” “Howdy!” “We’re here!” “I’ve been expecting you!” “Let’s go!” “Yes, let’s go! I knew it would be you guys or Jesus, Himself, coming to get me! Either way, I’ve been ready, watching and waiting!” “Jenny, you are actually one of the few Christians we did not surprise when we arrived [...]

By |2024-09-14T21:28:00+00:00September 14th, 2024|Faith and Inspiration|0 Comments
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