Greetings Saints and Friends,
”Donny, what are you doing with all those helium filled balloons?” “I’m going to practice for when Jesus comes again.” “How are you going to do that with all those balloons? Are you going to have a party for Him?” “No. Pastor Harold shared with us last Sunday about the return of Jesus.” “Isn’t that when He comes back to take all Christians home to Heaven?” “Yes, it is.” “Did he say when this is going to happen?” “He said no one knows exactly when it will happen, but it is imminent.” “What does that mean?” “It means that it could happen at any moment.” “I thought angels came to escort people home to Heaven.” “They do, right now. That’s what Jesus says happened when He talked about the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus. ‘So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom.’ Luke 16:22 At that time, to any Jew, the thought of enjoying fellowship with Abraham would suggest inexpressible bliss. For us, it is the equivalent of Heaven, where we shall enjoy the presence of Jesus forever.” “So what happens when Jesus returns? Are we going to have a really big church service to worship Him?” “No. Pastor Harold said the Bible describes the Lord’s return in stages, but they will all occur quite rapidly. The Bible says, ‘The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout.’ 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Pastor Harold said this can be like when Jesus came to the tomb of Lazarus, Mary and Martha’s brother. Jesus said with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come forth!’ John 11:43 Lazarus came back to life and came out of the tomb. But when Jesus returns, His shout will be heard by all those who have died trusting in Jesus as their Savior. The Bible says, ‘the dead in Christ will rise first.'” 1 Thessalonians 4:16 “Wow! That is sure going to be exciting.” “Yes, it will be!” “What happens next?” “The voice of an archangel will be heard, perhaps Michael, since he is an archangel. His voice will be one of triumph because of what Jesus has accomplished! And then, the trumpet of God will sound. When Pastor Harold said that, I remembered reading of Winston Churchill’s funeral service. He planned his service ahead of time.
He arranged for two buglers to play. Immediately after the one bugler played taps, the other – positioned high in the cathedral tower – was to play reveille. ‘It’s time to get up! get up!’ He knew that though his body would be laid to rest, he was alive and well as the angels had escorted him home to Heaven.
The apostle Paul continued, ‘Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.’ Though Paul did not know ‘when’ Jesus was coming back, he knew it could be in his time.” “Donny, do you think Jesus could return in our time?” “Yes, I do! He could return at any moment and we’ll be caught up to meet Him in the air.” “The words ‘caught up’ sound action-packed. Did Pastor Harold say what that means?” “As a matter of fact, he did. Pastor said this part of the Bible, the New Testament, was written in Greek because that was the common language at the time. The Greek word used was ‘harpazo’, which means ‘snatch away’! When the Bible was translated into Latin, the word ‘rapturo’ was used. That’s where we get our English word ‘rapture.’
Remember, forty days after Jesus rose from the grave, He ascended back to heaven from the Mt. of Olives. The disciples watched Him slowly ascend into the clouds. Acts 1:9-11 But at the rapture, when Jesus returns to take us home to Heaven, He is going to ‘snatch us away’ quickly and suddenly! And we shall always be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Does He promise to do that for everyone?” “Anyone who will trust in Him, and what He has done for us, has a home in Heaven. For two-thousand years, the message is still the same: Jesus died for ours sins and rose again. And whoever trusts in Him shall be saved. Anyone can tell Him, ‘Thank You, Jesus, for paying for my sins when You died in my place and rose again. Come into my heart and be my Savior. Amen.’
Would you hand me that rope over there, please? Oh no! Not that one! Whoa!” “Oh my! I hope Jesus comes quickly before Donny’s balloons deflate!”
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