“Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”
–Jeremiah 31:3 (NLT)
It was getting late as the three brainstormed over the phone, so Brenda ventured timidly, “Why don’t we just have a panel discussion?”
“I don’t mean to be negative,” the pastor replied, “but I don’t understand how that would be more helpful than my explanation of the facts.”
“Since Gabriel’s Girls have dealt primarily with crisis situations,” Brenda stated, “and this will be a new venture for the church, we want to build on the foundation you have laid. With all due respect, your services differ greatly from the day-to-day problems one faces when running a shelter. Therefore, the idea of you answering any questions concerning the operation of one without consulting us would be next to impossible. I make a motion that we attend the meeting.
“This is too big for one person to explain. Austin and I have our own areas of expertise. For example, although we put our heads together, the idea for long-term housing was primarily my baby.”
“I still don’t know,” pondered the pastor.
That was the last straw. Unable to stomach any further vacillation, Austin cut in.
“I understand your reticence, and I’m sorry we had to set this up at the last minute. But since the city isn’t giving us very much time, pastor, I think Brenda’s suggestion would be more efficient. The people at your meeting need to understand that this is an urgent matter, so in the morning they have to be informed before facing a hostile board.”
“It looks like I’m overruled then,” the pastor said as the light of recognition dawned in his mind, “but now it’s beginning to make more sense anyway. Please come tomorrow, and I will call the officers as soon as we get off the phone. I can tell you now that they won’t be happy about an emergency meeting tomorrow evening. The budget is a sore spot with them.”
Brenda spoke up again. “That’s okay. We’ll be there. The battle is the Lord’s. Well, it’s getting late, so I make a motion that we wrap this up. Tomorrow will be here before we know it.”
Both men agreed, and Brenda closed in prayer.
“Dear Lord,” she began, “please give us Your wisdom for the task ahead. As tomorrow’s meeting takes place, help us to be good stewards of the blessings we already have. Above all, we want to glorify Your name, and tell others about You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
The next morning, the pastor’s voice was subdued. Clipping on the mike, he opened the meeting with prayer.
“Thank you, God, for all You have given us, and forgive our sins against You. Help us to glorify You, and love our neighbors. In Jesus’ name, amen.
“Thank you all for coming. If I don’t seem very jovial this morning, it’s because we have some new developments to discuss that have put a damper on my spirits.
“Last night I participated in a conference call which sheds new light on Ellie’s housing. I will be telling you more about it, but for now let’s just say that the meeting went on too long. I made sure there was plenty of coffee here today.”
That broke the ice, and after the light laughter died down he continued.
“If you could get yourselves some and take your seats quickly, I would appreciate it. But please listen while you do that. The reason why we need to act as soon as possible will become clear.”
The pastor cleared his throat to begin, but he stopped suddenly, as no one was paying attention to him. The room was filled with chaotic chatter, and he found himself almost shouting over the din.
After calling for order, he stated above a few hushed whispers, “I only meant to try and interject a little levity, but perhaps that wasn’t a good idea. Since this is an urgent matter, I need silence please. I don’t mean to be a task master, and you are welcome to stay as long as you’d like after the meeting.”
Immediately, the room grew quiet again. The only sound was the hum of the fluorescent light fixture.
“Thank you,” the pastor began. “I received an email that was sent out to various churches in the community, but only a few responded. Because of that fact, and because of our open-air services, Austin Carter and Brenda Cook have joined us this morning. It is our hope that this will be a like-minded venture. These names may not mean a thing to you now, but hopefully that will change dramatically. They have been pioneers in the homeless field, and together they have made the Bread of Life shelters what they are today.
“Before anyone else in the community gave a thought to the homeless problem, they were there. Now that those facts are out of the way, I will read their email, and you will learn about how they wish to move forward.
“‘Dear community leader, the city is trying to close our doors. They would like to expand the business district, and our shelters are right in the middle of the downtown area. We had a meeting with them in which we discussed relocation, and they have agreed to put in writing that they would pay for our move. The only stipulation is that we do this within 30 days. But this is almost impossible, as it is quite expensive. Therefore, we are looking for a church that will join with us to defray the cost by matching funds, while looking towards new opportunities for ministry.’
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“To make a long story short,” the pastor said, closing his laptop, “when I replied and told them that I was interested, they set up a time last night to call me. During the same call, they have agreed to speak to you this morning, and here is how the pieces of the puzzle come together.
“As I see it, you can help in four major ways. I will tell you about three of them, and Austin will conclude with the fourth.
“We are having a board meeting tonight at the church,” he went on, “asking them to consider Bread of Life’s proposition. While this would extend our ministry to the homeless, it would also call for sacrifices on behalf of everyone involved. Since you work with either Gabriel’s Girls or the outreach, however, you obviously believe in this ministry. We appreciate your hard work, and the fact that because of it, Gabriel’s has remained self-supporting.
“Therefore, the first way that you can help is to pray that God will move mountains. It goes without saying that if this is to be realized, hearts must be touched.
“Secondly, please put your plans on hold, and make sure you’re at tonight’s meeting. Speak up, and don’t be afraid to let your voices be heard, as there is strength in numbers. Along with this, I would ask you to extend Ellie’s housing until further notice.
“Moving on, we have decided that the best way to present the facts this morning is by having a panel discussion. We will have a question-and-answer period afterwards. By doing this, it is hoped that you will become thoroughly familiar with the workings of these shelters. In this way, you will be able to overcome any objections that the board raises.
“Now here are Austin Carter and Brenda Cook,” the pastor finished, stepping to one side.
Austin began speaking as Brenda clipped on her mike.
“Both of us oversee the shelters. However, I deal mostly with the day-to-day business issues. I think the best way to introduce this subject is by giving you a list which encompasses some of my daily duties. So please follow my words carefully. Since we didn’t have time to put together a PowerPoint presentation, I will put this in outline form.”
Walking over to the whiteboard hanging on the wall, Austin started his outline.
“We already know this is urgent, so the issue of when we need to move has been taken care of. I will discuss the mechanics of running a shelter first, hence your list. After that, I will conclude by speaking briefly about obstacles which could further hinder us, and how you can help.”
then, turning to his audience, he said, “After I finish, Brenda will take over, telling you what we would like to see in the future. Finally, she will field your questions.”
“Now, let’s suppose you were asked to run a homeless shelter. Since there’s a continual need for more resources, along with grants and fundraisers, you need to reach out to businesses in your community. Keep your clients in close contact with these people, as this makes a powerful impression on your supporters. You can truly give someone a new life if you provide links to job training, housing and medical care.
“Some people are reluctant to go to a shelter. They fear violence, sexual assault, robbery or similar crimes. Develop a good relationship with your local police. Make your clients aware of rules you’ve set, and of how they will be reinforced. A curfew can keep thieves from sneaking in and out at night when everyone’s asleep. Show zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol. Have regular meetings in which you ask for clients’ suggestions on making your shelter safer.
“Homeless populations may contain issues like mental illness and substance abuse. So reaching out to other organizations in your community, such as this church, is imperative.
“Also, work with nonprofits that serve women, children, and families, and remember the needs of single men and women as well. Even though we have separate facilities, we try to make women feel safer by placing them closest to security.
“Next, you must stay in contact with all of the food banks and soup kitchens in your area. Restaurants can also donate food, while retail outlets can give clothes. At the same time, health professionals can educate the homeless on diseases they should watch out for.
“I always have one person in charge of coordinating volunteers, and finding the right one can sometimes be a challenge. So I try to recognize their efforts, and have a back-up volunteer who can fill in at a moment’s notice. And yes, sometimes you’ll have to do the backing up. Clothe clients respectably, and offer classes on how to interact in the workplace.
“Now, touching on the subject of relocation, I will tell you a little more about our plans. We have had our eye on the motel where Ellie was staying, and we thought we might be able to aford it if we cut corners. But with the city’s edict, that will only be possible with God’s help.
“The pastor mentioned that there were four ways you could help, but he only covered three of them, so let me briefly make this plea. If a miracle happens, and God moves on the hearts of the board so that we can purchase the hotel, we will need lots of volunteers, and your help will be indispensable.
“That’s all I have to say. Now Brenda will give you some more details that we pray will happen in the future, and answer your questions.”
To Be Continued …
Thank you for reading this, and may the Lord give you a wonderful week! We are trying to reach people who are hurting, so if God lays it on your heart, please consider becoming a partner with us. If you would like to make a donation, please visit www.hcmachaplains.org and click on the Donate Now link. You can also send donations by mail to HCMA (Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association). Our ID number is 560. The address is 101 S Kraemer BLVD, Suite 123A, Placentia, CA 92870. Finally, you’re always welcome to join our Monday night Bible study or Tuesday night prayer meeting. Both are conducted by conference call, and they take place at 5:30 PM Arizona time. Our conference number is 712-432-6499. When prompted, press 1 for live chat rooms, and we’ll be waiting in room 31. You can press pound to bypass our friend Sharon’s intro message once you’ve entered room 31. We hope to talk with you soon!
If you have questions, comments or prayer requests for Timothy or Stephanie Burdick, please call 507-369-6861.
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