“When I came to the city of Troas to preach the Good News of Christ, the Lord opened a door of opportunity for me. But I had no peace of mind because my dear brother Titus hadn’t yet arrived with a report from you. So I said good-bye and went on to Macedonia to find him. But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.”
–2 Corinthians 2:12-14 (NLT)
I’ve heard a proverb that I’d like to share with you, for it has helped me greatly. It goes like this: “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.”
By nature I’m not a flexible person, and I only look upon interruptions as a nuisance. If we’re not careful, we can allow circumstances to dictate our day.
But I believe these verses tell us how we can focus on Christ more fully, triumphing in our lives regardless of what is going on around us.
We’re not all that different from Paul. Just as his brother Titus did not show up in Troas, my life sometimes doesn’t go according to plan. If I would only reflect on God’s Word when my own plans fall through, I would see that He is working behind the scenes to help me. But I must admit that this doesn’t usually happen. There’s always another meeting I have to make, or another person I have to see. I become frustrated when God’s schedule isn’t synchronized with mine.
It gives me great comfort, therefore, to remember that Paul was only human, and he may have had the same initial reaction. God had seemingly set a great opportunity before him in Troas, and it may have taken him some time to pen our opening scripture.
In any case, our text tells us that Paul had no peace of mind, and that he was greatly concerned about Titus. Yes, he was a giant of the faith, but his status came from being schooled by the Master.
The real question is: Are you and I doing the same thing? Are we spending quality time drawing closer to Christ, allowing ourselves to be schooled by His Word?
Continuing in His Word is essential, for just when things seem to be coming together for you, they may fall apart at any moment. But just as God spoke to Paul, He desperately wants to speak to you.
God’s Word is the instruction manual for life. The Bible says that His Word is a light to our feet, and a lamp to our path, so I encourage you to set aside some time each day to study it. Then, even if you have to set aside your own plans as Paul did, you can be assured that God has a better plan for you. You may not see it for some time, but God can see the big picture, and He is faithful. The Bible says that He is on your side, and nothing is too hard for Him.
So no matter what you are facing right now, live your life in Christ today, and come out victorious tomorrow!
Thank you for reading this, and may the Lord give you a wonderful week! We are trying to reach people who are hurting, so if God lays it on your heart, please consider becoming a partner with us. If you would like to make a donation, please visit www.hcmachaplains.org and click on the Donate Now link. You can also send donations by mail to HCMA (Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association). Our ID number is 560. The address is 377 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 260, Placentia, CA 92870. Finally, you’re always welcome to join our Monday night Bible study or Tuesday night prayer meeting. Both are conducted by conference call, and they take place at 5:30 PM Arizona time. Our conference number is 712-775-7031, and our ID is 607518748. We hope to talk with you soon!
If you have questions, comments or prayer requests for Timothy or Stephanie Burdick, please call 507-369-6861.
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