“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
–Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)

It was a hot day, even for Phoenix, and I was taking the bus home from work. The first bus had picked me up promptly, but now I was stranded out in the scorching sun, waiting for a transfer bus. I had to sit there in the heat for some time, and I hated every minute of it.

The Bible speaks to us about waiting on God, but I am afraid that many of us don’t really understand this truth, for we tend to see it only in a passive way. Too often, we wait for God’s direction like I waited for the bus that day. Until the time seems right, we just sit there and we do little or nothing. Instead of doing the things we know we should do, we wear a pious mask as we wait for God to drop answers into our laps.

On the other hand, there are more active ways to wait on people. One day, when I was a kid, my family were celebrating a special occasion, and I took my mom out to lunch. We went to a very fancy restaurant called the Velvet Turtle, where a lot of the bigwigs and celebrities hung out. The restaurant was near Hollywood, California, so it was fun getting all the attention that came with being in that area. for a few hours, we really felt like royalty! Having grown up in a family that was comfortable but thrifty, the Velvet Turtle was more posh than I could imagine.

Back then I had long, wavy hair that went down to my shoulders. I also sported a big, bushy beard. When the waitress greeted us she must have come up from behind because she said, “Good afternoon, ladies!” A moment later she got a better look at me, and embarrassment rang loud and clear in her voice. That is something I won’t soon forget. But once we got over that little hump, the service we received was tremendous. The waitress did a wonderful job.

I think that our waiting on God is much like a good restaurant server. Just as they are constantly coming to your table to see if they can improve the quality of your meal or your experience, waiting upon God is also an active proposition. Just as a waiter or waitress is continually trying to meet her customers’ needs, we must constantly pray and ask God what He would have us do as we go about our daily lives. Let me share an acronym with you, using the word “WAIT”, which may help you implement this concept.

W is for Worship, and this is where our prayers need to begin. Worship helps us obtain a larger view of God. It is an activity that can be carried on throughout the day, and not restricted to church services. We can worship God while doing our jobs to His glory. For that matter, we can worship Him wherever we find ourselves.

We need to make an effort to develop a consciousness of God by worshipping Him, for this will give us a greater sense of knowing that He is with us in every circumstance. The knowledge that God is in control will also bring us greater peace. Finally, taking these steps in worship will cause us to become more thankful for all of the things we might otherwise overlook.

The Letter A stands for Abide. Jesus would really like each of us to abide with Him, and abide within Him.

Have you ever come home after a long trip? My wife and I have, and it always feels great to be back home again after spending time away.

That kind of at-home feeling is the way that Jesus wants all of us to feel when we come to Him. Knowing this, you can fix your heart on the God who loves you and wants your best. Make Him your first priority, seeking His kingdom in everything you do, and He will direct you along straight paths.

The letter I stands for Intercession. The book of Hebrews says that Christ intercedes or prays for us. In order to follow His example, we need to pray for one another. Look for opportunities throughout your day to lift others up in prayer, for the Bible tells us that we are in the middle of a spiritual war between good and evil.

We have often minimalized the role of prayer, but in order to truly wait on God, we always need to have a watchful attitude. This will not only bless other people, but it will make your own problems appear smaller. If you are looking for new meaning and purpose in your life, find the excitement of improving your connection with God, and learn to pray for others.

Lastly, the letter T stands for Time. When you are in love with someone, you want to spend all the time you can with them. But in today’s world, we have what I call microwave Christianity. We pray to God, and then we tend to only give Him a short time to act. We don’t wait upon Him like we should, honoring Him with our lives. We have traded love for duty in many cases, and the Bible says that we need to get back to seeing love as our goal. God isn’t obligated to answer us on our own timetables. We are commanded to love Him with all of our hearts.

The Bible says that God makes all things beautiful in His own time, and He only wants the best for us. So follow the above steps giving your life to God in a new way, and you will experience a new joy in both good times and bad times.

Thank you for reading this, and may the Lord give you a wonderful week! We are trying to reach people who are hurting, so if God lays it on your heart, please consider becoming a partner with us. If you would like to make a donation, please visit www.hcmachaplains.org and click on the Donate Now link. You can also send donations by mail to HCMA (Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association). Our ID number is 560. The address is 377 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 260, Placentia, CA 92870. Finally, check out our online store at www.amway.com/burdicksbargains. In order to support us, please register for free on our store website before purchasing anything. Thank you!

If you have questions, comments or prayer requests for Timothy or Stephanie Burdick, please call 641-715-3900, ext. 874157.