“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”
–1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT)

I don’t know about you, but the roller coaster of life really gets to me sometimes. Just when things are going my way, a big problem comes along that sets me way back. Nobody can get everything they want, thanks to the ever-present factors of time and money. At times it makes no sense why God chooses to throw certain curve-balls into our plans, or takes certain beloved people from us through mental illness or death.

I wish I could give you answers regarding why life is so busy and complicated, but I’m not the right person to ask by any means. But even though I can’t explain the tough times in life, I can give you a great way to get through them: Talk to God and rely on his power and guidance until your problem goes away. The Bible states is closer to you than your own breathing, and He will never take even one step away from you or deny you the time to talk about the problems you’re facing.

I once read an email in which life with God is compared to a bike ride. God is in the driver’s seat, and you’re the passenger. Sometimes the ride is smooth sailing, full of sunshine and good times. Then there are days when God tells you to hang on, because He knows the road is about to get really rough and bumpy.

God is always there with you through the rough and the smooth. All of us get angry with God sometimes, but He will be with you no matter how long it takes things to cool down again.

In addition to talking with and relying upon God, I suggest studying His word when times get tough. The Bible is full of people who have overcome great obstacles by trusting in God with all their hearts. The apostle Paul is a wonderful example. He was constantly being persecuted once God helped him to change from a follower of Roman law to a devoted Christian. Paul had to suffer through beatings, shipwrecks, stonings and long stretches of imprisonment. The Bible doesn’t mention it, but Paul must have felt at least a little discouraged sometimes. But, thanks to his faith in God, Paul persevered and turned his prison terms into opportunities to preach the gospel to the Roman guards. He converted many people to Christianity and encouraged those who already knew Jesus to strengthen their faith. He was loyal to Jesus Christ until the end, and his steadfast courage in the face of incredible opposition is admired today.

Like Paul, we also have to suffer through tough times in order to reach and enjoy the good times. To paraphrase Dolly Parton, you have to get through the rainy days if you want to see the rainbows. God once ended a famous forty-day flood with a rainbow, so He knows all about taking the bad with the good. Even though God’s decisions may baffle or anger us sometimes, I can guarantee He’ll always be there, ready to help you through life’s trials and enjoy the good times He presents to you.

Thank you for reading this, and may the Lord give you a wonderful week! We are trying to reach people who are hurting, so if God lays it on your heart, please consider becoming a partner with us. If you would like to make a donation, please visit www.hcmachaplains.org and click on the Donate Now link. You may also send your donation to HCMA (Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association). Our ID number is 560. The address is 377 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 260, Placentia, CA 92870.

If you have questions, comments or prayer requests for Timothy or Stephanie Burdick, please call 641-715-3900, ext. 874157.