A Note from Stephanie: Sorry about the lack of a post last week, folks! We had some computer-related difficulties.

“Jesus looked at them intensely and said, “Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God.”
–Matthew 19:26

“With God, all things are possible.” I believe that if you take time to reflect upon this phrase, it can change your life. It certainly has changed mine.
I felt that God was calling me into the hospital chaplaincy, but learning twelve floors was a daunting task because of my blindness. However, I knew that I did not need to transfer my own limitations over to God. I also knew that if I was going to compete in this world, I had to be just as good as my peers.
Are you facing an overwhelming challange? If you are, God wants to speak words of encouragment to your heart today.

The first two words are not “with fortatude” or “with willpower”. Instead this phrase begins “with God”. Before you take the first step on your challenging journey, you need to seek God, asking Him for wisdom and peace. It is a great comfort to know that God is in control. Then, break the problem down into bite-sized pieces. Knowing that God is in control will help you to see the big picture.

“Now what?” you ask. Many times we ask God to take control, only to take it back. It is like the father who was teaching his son to drive on a deserted road. He would give his son the wheel, only to take it back every time the car hit a bump. There will be bumps in life’s road, so don’t take back the wheel. Just take a ride in the back seat, and know that if you want his will to be done above all else, God can work out everything for your ultimate good.

Unfortunately, this act of surrendering everything to God doesn’t gell with our “reality”. We tend to think that only some things are possible. But if you have the assurance that God is in control, then you will know that “all things” in the above phrase refers to anything we can imagine. This knowledge can lead you to an optimistic faith in and through God! Because of His promises, you can trust that the answers to problems you face are not just a distant hope. Instead, they are possible even if they can’t be seen or understood right away. God can see the end from the beginning, so he knows how your problems will come up and how they can and will be solved. Don’t take back the steering wheel every time you hit a bump. Instead, let God’s word comfort you as He guides you through life.